
  • Reversi (Othello) C Code
    컴퓨터 Tip 2009. 3. 16. 23:37

    출처 : http://www.cis.ufl.edu/%7Emanuel/obfuscate/othello


    흔히 오델로로 알려진 게임의 소스이다.


    1987 International Obfuscated C Code Contest 라는 대회에서 수상한 작품.

    1024 바이트에 실제로 작동하는 오델로를 구현했다. 컴파일 시 정상적으로 작동함.

    1987년도 대회에서는 1024바이트의 제한이 있어 이 제한을 맞추기 위해

    유저 인터페이스는 생략되고..

    좌표를 입력하면 컴퓨터의 좌표가 튀어나오는 식으로 프로그램 되어 있다.

    즉 실물 오델로 게임판이 있어야 게임을 즐길 수 있다.


    고등학교 시절 세균전의 알고리듬을 짜기 위해 몇 천줄 짜리 

    조잡한 알고리듬을 짜던 나로썬..

    이런 작품을 보면 ㅎㄷㄷㄷ..

    (세균전을 짜던 당시, 아는 거라곤 배열과 소팅 밖에 없어놔서 (뭐 지금도 아는 게 없지만 ㅠ,.ㅠ) 모든 이동 가능한 경로의 좌표와 먹을 수 있는 버튼수를 배열에다 집어넣어 놓고 퀵소트 해서 가장 많이 먹을 수 있는 좌표를 기준으로 하고 거기에다 예외 처리를 넣어서 움직이도록 만들었던 기억이 있다. )

    #define D define
    #D Y return
    #D R for
    #D e while
    #D I printf
    #D l int
    #D C y=v+111;H(x,v)*y++= *x
    #D H(a,b)R(a=b+11;a<b+89;a++)
    #D s(a)t=scanf("%d",&a)
    l V[1100],u,r[]={-1,-11,-10,-9,1,11,10,9},h[]={11,18,81,88},ih[]={22,27,72,77},
    bz,lv=60,*x,*y,m,t;S(d,v,f,a,b)l*v;{l c=0,*n=v+100,bw=d<u-1?a:-9000,w,z,i,zb,q=
    :t==q?50:0;return w;}H(z,0){if(GZ(v,z,f,100)){c++;w= -S(d+1,n,q,-b,-bw);if(w>bw
    ){zb=z;bw=w;if(w>=b||w>=8003)Y w;}}}if(!c){bz=0;C;Y-S(d+1,n,q,-b,-bw);}bz=zb;Y
    ;I("Value:%d\n",S(0,V,1,-9000,9000));I("move: %d\n",(lv-=GZ(V,bz,1,0),bz));}}GZ
    *j==q)j+=h;if(*j==f&&j-h!=k){if(!g){g=1;C;}e(j!=k)*((j-=h)+o)=f;}}Y g;}

    #define D define
    #D Y return
    #D R for
    #D e while
    #D I printf
    #D l int
    #D W if
    #D C y=v+111;H(x,v)*y++= *x
    #D H(a,b)R(a=b+11;a<b+89;a++)
    #D s(a)t=scanf("%d",&a)
    #D U Z I
    #D Z I("123\
    l V[1600],u,r[]={-1,-11,-10,-9,1,11,10,9},h[]={11,18,81,88},ih[]={22,27,72,77},
    bz,lv=60,*x,*y,m,t;S(d,v,f,_,a,b)l*v;{l c=0,*n=v+100,j=d<u-1?a:-9000,w,z,i,g,q=
    t==q?50:0;Y w;}H(z,0){W(E(v,z,f,100)){c++;w= -S(d+1,n,q,0,-b,-j);W(w>j){g=bz=z;
    j=w;W(w>=b||w>=8003)Y w;}}}W(!c){g=0;W(_){H(x,v)c+= *x==f?1:*x==3-f?-1:0;Y c>0?
    8000+c:c-8000;}C;j= -S(d+1,n,q,1,-b,-j);}bz=g;Y d>=u-1?j+(c<<3):j;}main(){R(;t<
    =V[55]=1;V[45]=V[54]=2;s(u);e(lv>0){Z do{I("You:");s(m);}e(!E(V,m,2,0)&&m!=99);
    ));I("move: %d\n",(lv-=E(V,bz,1,0),bz));}}E(v,z,f,o)l*v;{l*j,q=3-f,g=0,i,w,*k=v
    ;C;}e(j!=k)*((j-=w)+o)=f;}}Y g;}

    Grand Prize: <botter!rblieva> Roemer B. Lievaart

     Roemer B. Lievaart
     VU Informatica
     Churchilllaan 173-IV
     Amsterdam, The Netherlands


    We believe that you too will be amazed at just how much power Mr. Lievaart packed into 1024 bytes!

    This Plays the game of reversi (Othello)!  Compile and run. 

    It then asks for a playing level.

    Enter 0-10 (easy-hard).  It then asks for your move.

    A move is a number within 11-88, or a 99 to pass. 

    Illegal moves (except for an illegal pass) are rejected. 

    Then the computer does its move (or a 0 to pass), until the board is full. 

    It plays rather well, for such a small program! 

    Lievaart had to leave out the board printing routine,

    so you'll have to take a real game board to play it. ... 

    Also due to space-limitations (the rules for 1987 had a limit of 1024 byes),

    Lievaart took out the passing-handler, which makes its ending-game rather poor. 

    But further it knows all the rules, uses alpha-beta pruning, and it plays f.i. on mobility(!).

    Most important: it can play a pretty good game of Reversi!

    The Author was kind enough to supply the fully functional version of the program. 

    The file lievaart2.c contains what the program would have been without the size restriction. 

    This version has the full end game logic and displays the board after each move!

    [the code above is this slightly larger but better version]

    Copyright (c) 1987, Landon Curt Noll & Larry Bassel.
    All Rights Reserved. 

    Permission for personal, educational or non-profit use is granted provided this this copyright and notice are included in its entirety
    and remains unaltered.  All other uses must receive prior permission in writing from both Landon Curt Noll and Larry Bassel.

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