
  • 프로그래머스 / 공원 산책
    코딩 테스트/Level 1 2023. 3. 24. 00:01



    def solution(park, routes):
        position = [0, 0]
        for i, row in enumerate(park):
            for j, each in enumerate(row):
                if each == 'S':
                    position = [i, j]
        directions = {'E': (0, 1), 'W': (0, -1), 'N': (-1, 0), 'S': (1, 0)}
        for direction, distance in map(lambda x: x.split(), routes):
            prev_pos = position.copy()
            for _ in range(int(distance)):
                position[0] += directions[direction][0]
                position[1] += directions[direction][1]
                if not (0 <= position[0] < len(park) and 0 <= position[1] < len(park[0]) and park[position[0]][position[1]] != 'X'):
                    position = prev_pos
        return position
    from itertools import chain
    def solution(park, routes):
        position = [(start := tuple(chain(*park)).index('S')) // len(park[0]), start % len(park[0])]
        directions = {'E': (0, 1), 'W': (0, -1), 'N': (-1, 0), 'S': (1, 0)}
        for direction, distance in map(lambda x: x.split(), routes):
            prev_pos = position.copy()
            for _ in range(int(distance)):
                position[0] += directions[direction][0]
                position[1] += directions[direction][1]
                if not (0 <= position[0] < len(park) and 0 <= position[1] < len(park[0])
                        and park[position[0]][position[1]] != 'X'):
                    position = prev_pos
        return position



    class Solution {
        fun solution(park: Array<String>, routes: Array<String>): IntArray {
            var position = mutableListOf(0, 0)
            for (i in park.indices)
                for (j in park[i].indices)
                    if (park[i][j] == 'S')
                        position = mutableListOf(i, j)
            val directions = mapOf('E' to (0 to 1), 'W' to (0 to -1), 'N' to (-1 to 0), 'S' to (1 to 0))
            for ((direction, distance) in routes.map { it[0] to it.drop(2).toInt() }) {
                val prevPos = position.toMutableList()
                for (each in 0 until distance) {
                    position[0] += directions[direction]!!.first
                    position[1] += directions[direction]!!.second
                    if (!(0 <= position[0] && position[0] < park.size 
                                    && 0 <= position[1] && position[1] < park[0].length
                                    && park[position[0]][position[1]] != 'X')) {
                        position = prevPos
            return position.toIntArray()


    class Solution {
        fun solution(park: Array<String>, routes: Array<String>): IntArray {
            val directions = mapOf('E' to (0 to 1), 'W' to (0 to -1), 'N' to (-1 to 0), 'S' to (1 to 0))
            val start = park.flatMap { it.map { each -> each } }.indexOf('S')
            return routes
                    .map { it[0] to it.drop(2).toInt() }
                    .fold(mutableListOf(start / park[0].length, start % park[0].length)) { pos, (direction, distance) ->
                        val prevPos = pos.toMutableList()
                        val nextPos = pos.toMutableList()
                        repeat(distance) {
                            nextPos[0] += directions[direction]!!.first
                            nextPos[1] += directions[direction]!!.second
                            if (!(0 <= nextPos[0] && nextPos[0] < park.size && 0 <= nextPos[1] && nextPos[1] < park[0].length && park[nextPos[0]][nextPos[1]] != 'X'))
                                return@fold prevPos
                        return@fold nextPos

    가독성을 고려하여..
    !! 보다는 적절히 ?을 사용하고..

    class Solution {
        private val directions = mapOf('E' to (0 to 1), 'W' to (0 to -1), 'N' to (-1 to 0), 'S' to (1 to 0))
        private fun findStart(park: Array<String>): MutableList<Int> {
            val start = park.flatMap { it.map { each -> each } }.indexOf('S')
            return mutableListOf(start / park[0].length, start % park[0].length)
        private fun isValid(park: Array<String>, pos: List<Int>): Boolean {
            if (0 > pos[0] || pos[0] >= park.size
                    || 0 > pos[1] || pos[1] >= park[0].length
                    || park[pos[0]][pos[1]] == 'X')
                return false
            return true
        private fun go(park: Array<String>, pos: MutableList<Int>, direction: Char, distance: Int): MutableList<Int> {
            val prevPos = pos.toMutableList()
            repeat(distance) {
                pos[0] += directions[direction]?.first ?: 0
                pos[1] += directions[direction]?.second ?: 0
                if (!isValid(park, pos))
                    return prevPos
            return pos
        fun solution(park: Array<String>, routes: Array<String>): IntArray {
            return routes
                    .map { it[0] to it.drop(2).toInt() }
                    .fold(findStart(park)) { pos, (direction, distance) ->
                        go(park, pos, direction, distance)

    함수형으로 코딩하면 흐름을 파악하기 좋다. 

    reduce (초기값을 위해 fold를 사용)가 이 코드의 주된 흐름이다.... 

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