
  • 프로그래머스 / 광물 캐기
    코딩 테스트/Level 2 2023. 3. 24. 15:21




    제안사항을 확인하니 재귀를 이용해도 될 정도

    def solution(picks, minerals):
        def solve(picks, minerals, fatigue):
            if sum(picks) == 0 or len(minerals) == 0:
                return fatigue
            result1 = result2 = result3 = float('inf')
            if picks[0] > 0:
                fatigues = {"diamond": 1, "iron": 1, "stone": 1}
                next_fatigue = sum(fatigues[mineral] for mineral in minerals[:5])
                result1 = solve([picks[0] - 1, picks[1], picks[2]], minerals[5:], fatigue + next_fatigue)
            if picks[1] > 0:
                fatigues = {"diamond": 5, "iron": 1, "stone": 1}
                next_fatigue = sum(fatigues[mineral] for mineral in minerals[:5])
                result2 = solve([picks[0], picks[1] - 1, picks[2]], minerals[5:], fatigue + next_fatigue)
            if picks[2] > 0:
                fatigues = {"diamond": 25, "iron": 5, "stone": 1}
                next_fatigue = sum(fatigues[mineral] for mineral in minerals[:5])
                result3 = solve([picks[0], picks[1], picks[2] - 1], minerals[5:], fatigue + next_fatigue)
            return min(result1, result2, result3)
        return solve(picks, minerals, 0)

    이 정도면 깔끔

    def solution(picks, minerals):
        def solve(picks, minerals, fatigue):
            if sum(picks) == 0 or len(minerals) == 0:
                return fatigue
            result = [float('inf')]
            for i, fatigues in enumerate(({"diamond": 1, "iron": 1, "stone": 1},
                                          {"diamond": 5, "iron": 1, "stone": 1},
                                          {"diamond": 25, "iron": 5, "stone": 1},)):
                if picks[i] > 0:
                    next_picks = picks.copy()
                    next_picks[i] -= 1
                    next_fatigue = fatigue + sum(fatigues[mineral] for mineral in minerals[:5])
                    result.append(solve(next_picks, minerals[5:], next_fatigue))
            return min(result)
        return solve(picks, minerals, 0)

    굳이 이 정도는.... 

    def solution(picks, minerals, fatigue=0):
        def get_next_picks(now_picks, i):
            next_picks = now_picks.copy()
            next_picks[i] -= 1
            return next_picks
        if sum(picks) == 0 or len(minerals) == 0:
            return fatigue
        return min([
            solution(get_next_picks(picks, i), minerals[5:], fatigue + sum(fatigues[mineral] for mineral in minerals[:5]))
            if picks[i] > 0 else float('inf')
            for i, fatigues in enumerate(({"diamond": 1, "iron": 1, "stone": 1},
                                          {"diamond": 5, "iron": 1, "stone": 1},
                                          {"diamond": 25, "iron": 5, "stone": 1}))])



    class Solution {
        private fun solve(picks: IntArray, minerals: List<String>, fatigue: Int): Int {
            if (picks.sum() == 0 || minerals.isEmpty()) return fatigue
            return listOf(
                    mapOf("diamond" to 1, "iron" to 1, "stone" to 1),
                    mapOf("diamond" to 5, "iron" to 1, "stone" to 1),
                    mapOf("diamond" to 25, "iron" to 5, "stone" to 1),
            ).mapIndexed { index, fatigues ->
                if (picks[index] > 0) {
                    val nextPicks = picks.clone()
                    nextPicks[index] -= 1
                    solve(nextPicks, minerals.drop(5), fatigue + minerals.take(5).sumOf { fatigues.getOrDefault(it, 0) })
                } else 2147483647
        fun solution(picks: IntArray, minerals: Array<String>): Int {
            return solve(picks, minerals.asList(), 0)
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