단어변환코딩 테스트/Level 3 2020. 9. 7. 11:55반응형
단어 변환
깊이/너비 우선 탐색(DFS/BFS)
4024명 완료https://programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/43163
정석적인 풀이는 bfs의 응용인 최단거리찾기일 것 같다.
def solution(begin, target, words): def match(word1, word2): return sum(1 for char1, char2 in zip(word1, word2) if char1 != char2) == 1 def bfs(): queue, visited, path_, found_target_ = [begin], {begin}, {}, False while queue and not found_target_: v = queue.pop(0) for w in words: if w not in visited and match(v, w): visited.add(w) queue.append(w) path_[w] = v if w == target: found_target_ = True break return found_target_, path_ found_target, path = bfs() if not found_target: return 0 count = 0 while target != begin: target = path[target] count += 1 return count